Form 6 Admission

S6 Repeater Admissions Application 

(Application Closed 申請已截止)



There is a select number of remaining Secondary Six vacancies in the College for the academic year 2024-2025. 2024 HKDSE candidates are eligible to apply for these places. 

How to apply

  1. Complete an application form, which can be downloaded from here or obtained from the General Office from 3 July 2024 onwards. 
  2. Submit the completed form together with a recent photo and the photocopies of the documents below in person to the College on 18 or 19 July 2024 (9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.). The originals of the documents should be ready for inspection on submitting the application.
  • 2024 HKDSE result slip
  • Applicant’s Identity Card / valid identification documents
  • S5 and S6 report cards
  • Other qualification documents
  1. Applicants who are shortlisted for interviews on 18 or 19 July 2024 will be contacted by phone. If applicants have not received a response on or before 25 July 2024, they should assume their application is unsuccessful.



  1. 申請人可於7月3日起在這裡 下載申請表格或在本校校務處索取申請表格。
  2. 填妥報名表格後,連同一張近照及以下文件副本,於7月18日至19日 (上午9:30  – 下午12:30) 親自交回本校。申請人須帶備下列文件正本作即時核對﹕
  • 2024香港中學文憑考試成績單
  • 申請人的身份證 / 有效身份證明文件
  • 中五及中六級成績表
  • 其他資歷證明文件
  1. 手續辦妥後,校方會作初步篩選。表現較佳者將獲個別電話通知於7月18日或19日參加入學面試。如於7月25日仍未接獲邀請參加面試的申請人應視作不獲取錄。

Selection Criteria

  1. 2024 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education results [Minimum requirements] 
    • Level 2 or above in Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics
    • A pass in Citizenship and Social Development
    • Level 2 or above in at least 2 electives
  2. School academic performance in S5 and S6
  3. Performance at interviews
  4. Conduct
  5. Performance in extra-curricular activities



  1. 2024香港中學文憑考試成績 [最低申請要求] 
    • 中文、英文及數學達二級或以上
    • 公民與社會發展科合格
    • 最少兩科選修科達二級或以上
  2. 中五及中六之校內學業成績
  3. 面試表現
  4. 操行
  5. 課外活動表現


S6 Curriculum

  1. Compulsory Subjects: Chinese Language*, English Language, Mathematics, Citizenship and Social Development*
  2. Elective Subjects:
BiologyBusiness, Accounting and Financial Studies
PhysicsChinese Literature*
ChemistryChinese History*
GeographyTourism & Hospitality Studies
EconomicsHealth Management & Social Care
Information & Communication Technology 
  1. Other Electives: Mathematics (Extension M1)

All subjects in the College are taught in English except those with an asterisk (*). 



  1. 必修科目: 中國語文*、英國語文、數學、公民與社會發展*
  2. 選修科目:
  1. 其它選修科目: 數學(延伸部分單元一)




  1. The applications of those who do not have a recent photo or the originals and photocopies of the required documents or who do not meet the minimum requirements will not be considered.
  2. The S6 repeater places are not offered on a first-come-first-served basis.



  1. 申請人若未能出示近照及所有相關文件之正副本,或未能符合最低申請要求,其申請將不會受理。
  2. 中六重讀學額並非先到先得。