School News

S4 Academic Talk 2022

“We’re going to be hit by the train!” said Violet. The girl, together with her brother and baby sister, is locked in the car by Count Olaf, who plans to kill them and inherit the money left by their parents. In the end, the children narrowly escape being killed. How do they save their own lives? This was the question posed to the S4 students after the video clip was played.

Joyful Fruit Day 2022 – You are what you eat!

Joyful Fruit Day 2022 – You are what you eat!



Success Inspires Success - Academic Talk for S6 DSEers

Success Inspires Success - Academic Talk for S6 DSEers


On the 22nd of October, an academic talk for S6 students was conducted at the school hall and lecture theatres in preparation for their forthcoming HKDSE exam. Several alumni were invited back to their alma mater to share their secrets of success in the public exam with specific regards to tips on their academic studies, examination skills in both oral and written form, stress and time management. 


Collection of 2021 HKDSE Exam Certificates & ApL Certificates from VTC

The certificates of the 2021 HKDSE Examination issued by the HKEAA are ready for S6 students' collection at the General Office.

For details please refer to this document.

Joint School Science Exhibition (JSSE) - A rewarding scientific journey

Joint School Science Exhibition (JSSE) - A rewarding scientific journey


Over the course of the summer holiday, our students had participated in the 54th Joint School Science Exhibition (JSSE), for which they had devised the Cane of Balance and presented it at the Hong Kong City Hall to the honourable judges and the public visitors.