School News



1. 疫情持續嚴峻,各位同學必須注意身心健康,避免外出,並協助家人維持家居清潔。一如較早時間之提醒,同學理應維持良好的個人習慣,作息須定時,飲食亦要均衡,盡可能維持一定水平的運動量。


2. 根據七月中旬以來的網課數據,有極少數同學曾有缺課的情況出現。班導師、訓輔組老師亦已/將聯絡相關同學及其家長。



3. 暑假期間,無法外出,同學可能較多上網。請留意網絡安全,慎擇資訊,避免各式陷阱,或網絡欺凌危機。如遇問題,宜向成年人,包括家長或老師請教,或致電政府部門/社福機構查詢。




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Registration 2020

Fruit Day – You are what you eat!

‘The School Fruit Day’ was co-organised by the Geography, Liberal Studies and Environmental Protection Society on 26th June 2020 to raise students’ awareness on various fruit-related issues and promote a healthy diet.

During the event, students were tasked with various types of questions regarding their health knowledge on fruits, the insufficient fruit consumption around the world and some social concerns in HK. Students’ speedy and precise responses were not surprising as the winners could take away all the delicious fruit we provide!

Arrangements of Mathematics Gifted Classes on 18 July 7月18日數學資優班安排

Due to the recent surge in local COVID-19 cases and early commencement of summer holiday, the Secondary Four and Secondary Five Mathematics Gifted Classes held on Saturday, 18 July will be cancelled. Should there be any enquires, please do not hesitate to contact our school at 2390 5010.

由於疫情蔓延和提早放暑假安排,原定於下星期六(7月18日)舉行的中四及中五級數學資優班將會取消。如有任何疑問,可致電本校(電話:2390 5010)查詢。