Submitted by tcy on Wed, 13/10/2021 - 07:08
因天氣惡劣情況,原定於今天十月十三日(星期三)舉行的家長教師會週年會員大會暨就職典禮將延期至十月十八日(星期一) 下午二時四十五分開始。家長仍可透過之前所發放的連結及二維碼在當天觀看網上直播。如對以上安排有任何疑問,請找陳詠雯老師查詢。
Due to the adverse weather condition, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Inauguration Ceremony 2021-2022 of the Parent-Teacher Association, which were originally held on October 13, 2021 (Wednesday), will be postponed to October 18, 2021 (Monday) at 2:45 p.m. On that day, parents can still get access to the live stream of the event by using the URL and scanning the QR code. Should you have any queries, please feel free to approach Ms. Chan Wing Man.