The 31st Annual Speech Day of Po Leung Kuk Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College

The 31st Annual Speech Day of

Po Leung Kuk Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College


The 31 st Annual Speech Day of Po Leung Kuk Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College was successfully held on Wednesday, 31st May 2023. It is our great pleasure to have Dr Kevin Kam Wai Keung, Director of School Partnership and Field Experience of the Education University of Hong Kong, as the Guest of Honour this year.


We were honoured that the ceremony was attended by distinguished guests, including Mrs Winnie W L Chan, Chairman of Po Leung Kuk; Mrs Amanda T W Lee, Vice-Chairman of Po Leung Kuk and Supervisor of the College; Mrs Nikki Chong, our patron’s representative; Dr Patrick W K Chan and Ms Lam Yee Mei Loretta, Sponsoring Body Managers of the College’s Incorporated Management Committee (IMC); Mr Chan Tung Man, Chairperson of our Parent-Teacher Association (PTA); and Mr Wong Chung Ki, Principal of Po Leung Kuk Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College. Many parents also joined the ceremony to celebrate our students’ accomplishments in different disciplines and to witness this important rite of passage of the graduates via livestream in designated classrooms.


The ceremony started at 10:40 a.m. in the School Hall. After the opening address by the School Supervisor Mrs Lee, the Principal, Mr Yau Man Kwong, delivered the school annual report. Our guest of honour Dr Kam then gave an inspiring speech on the importance of a broad mindset, perseverance and dedication, which are some of the keys to success. He also encouraged students to focus on and work hard towards their goals.


A total of 122 graduates of the Sixth Form College were formally presented with graduation certificates by our guest of honour Dr Kam, PLK Chairman Mrs Chan and our School Supervisor Mrs Lee. Other guests then presented various prizes and awards to our students, including academic prizes, service awards, conduct prizes, and the PTA Award.


Ms Zheng Wing (6A) delivered her valedictorian speech on behalf of the graduating classes. She expressed her gratitude to teachers, school staff and parents, and bade all students all the best as they embark on their journeys ahead.


The ceremony, which ended at 12:00 noon, was brought to a close with a photo-taking session of the guests and all teachers. It was a morning filled with reflections and joy for the graduates as they reunited with their teachers, classmates and friends. We wish our graduates all the very best as they embark on a new journey in life.





本校第三十一屆畢業典禮已於 2023 年 5 月 31 日﹙星期三﹚順利舉行,香港教育大學學校協 作及體驗總監甘偉強博士蒞臨擔任主禮嘉實,全體師生欣幸之至!


承蒙嘉賓鼎力支持,光臨指導,增輝添慶,不勝感銘。該日出席嘉賓有:保良局主席陳黎惠 蓮女士、保良局副主席暨本校校監李何芷韻女士、學校贊助人代表莊悅雄夫人、辦學團體校董陳 永錕博士及林綺薇女士、家長教師會主席陳同文先生及保良局唐乃勤初中書院黃仲奇校長。眾家 長親臨本校課室觀看畢業典禮直播,共同見證畢業生的學業成就,分享中學畢業的喜樂,體會畢 業生代表致辭的精萃。


上午十時四十分,本校於禮堂舉行典禮,先由校監李何芷韻女士致歡迎辭,接著邱萬光校長 作校務報告,主禮嘉賓甘偉強博士亦隨後致辭。甘博士闡釋成功之道貴乎心態寛廣、堅毅不屈及 甘於奉獻,同時勉勵畢業生專心致志,追求卓越,努力實踐目標。甘博士惠賜嘉言,同學們深感 奮勉,感激無已。


其後,甘博士、何校監與陳校董分別給今屆 122 位畢業生頒贈畢業證書,其他嘉賓也分別給 畢業生頒發學業成績獎、服務獎、操行獎及家教會獎學金。


畢業生代表鄭穎分享高中三年校園趣事,感激校長、老師、教職員、家教會及家長的悉心教 導與關懷,並祝願同學前程錦繡、鵬程萬里。


最後,各位嘉賓與全體老師合照,第三十一屆畢業典禮於下午 12 時 00 分圓滿結束。畢業禮 可以讓嘉賓、家長、老師與畢業生聚首一堂,同心慶賀,送上祝福,隆情盛意,至足銘感!